If you want huge pecs you’ll first need to target all of your chest muscles. So first, you need to get to know them, some people don’t know the beauty of mind to muscle connection. 

Let us introduce you to your chest muscles: 

Pectoralis Major: makes up the most of your chest muscle mass

Pectoralis Minor: lies underneath the pectoralis major, it’s main function is help pull the shoulder up and down

Serratus Anterior: lies at the side of the chest wall, which is the main muscle you will see when you lift weights overhead.

How To Bench Press

Let's get started on the standard bench press:

1. Get your bench and bench press rack in the correct position. 

2. Lie on your back on a flat bench. Grab your barbell with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart, and directly over your shoulders. 

3. Plant your feet onto the ground and place your hips on the bench throughout the exercise. 

4. Engage your core and keep your back straight. Please don’t arch your back 

5. Slowly lift your barbell off the rack, lower the bar to the chest, with your elbows bent at about a 45 degree angle. 

6. Press feet into the floor, and push the bar back up to starting position. 

That’s 1 rep

Incline Bench Press

Kick it up a notch! As well as the classic bench press, the incline bench press is a great technique to target your chest muscles, triceps and shoulders, but also hits your pecs a bit harder. The higher the incline, the harder your shoulders need to work. 

1. First, sit up on your bench at around a 30-45 degree angle. 

2. Lie back, place your hands on the barbell, or your dumbbells, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

3. Slowly lift the bar out of the rack and lower to your chest with control, then press back up. 

Top Tips! 

Keep the weight lower when you first try the incline bench press compared to your normal bench press weight. You want to focus less on weight, and more on technique.

Dumbbell Press

This exercise is a great technique which targets your pectoralis major and pectoralis minor muscles in your chest, your shoulders and your upper back. 

1. Lie back on a flat bench, a dumbbell in each hand just to the side of your shoulders. 

2. Face your palms toward your feet in the starting position.

3. Extend your elbows until your arms are straight, press the weights above your chest, then bring the weight back down slowly.

Top Tip!

If you have shoulder issues then switch to a neutral grip, where your palms face each other.

Dumbbell Chest Flyes

Grab your dumbbells, palms facing in, and lay back on a bench. Keep the weights close to your chest, with your feet planted against the ground. 

1. Press the dumbbells directly towards the ceiling, pinch your shoulders together, unlock your elbows and slowly lower the dumbbells, whilst maintaining an angle at your elbow.

2. Once the dumbbells are in line with your chest, reverse the movement, using muscle to mind connection. 

Top tips!

1. Recover muscles before working out again.

2. Use a weight you can handle.

3. Use a spotter for the first time or until you feel comfortable.

4. Don’t use the same equipment every workout. 

5. Don’t overdo the weight.

Machine Flyes

If strength-building machines are more your thing, then why not have a go on the chest fly machine next time you visit your gym. First, adjust the equipment. This includes adjusting the seat pad so the handles are at chest height, the arm levers so your elbows are slightly bent, and weight. 

1. Sit up tall and relax your neck and shoulders with your feet planted on the floor.

2. Grip the handles with your palms facing forward. 

3. Press your arms together in front of your chest, with a slow controlled movement. 

4. Once your arms are as close as possible, pause for a few seconds, then bring your arms slowly back to the starting position. 

Top Tips!

Start with a lighter weight until you get comfortable with the movement. 

How To Push Up

Push ups are a simple exercise, yet powerful. They burn calories, improve balance and flexibility, improve posture, strengthen the whole body, and increase blood circulation.

1. Get on all fours, get into a high plank position with your hands slightly wider than your shoulders, ensure your arms and legs are straight. 

2. With control, lower your body until your chest is around a fist from the floor.

3. Hold for a second and push yourself back up while keeping your elbow in. 


Tricep dips

Hold the bars with a firm grasp, with your palms facing inward and your arms straight. Slowly lower until your elbows are at right angles, ensuring they stay tucked against your body and don't flare out. Push back up to the top and repeat.

Top tips!

1. Don't go too low

2. Don't flare out elbows 

3. Don't move too quick


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