10 Best Gym Warmups

We understand warming up before your big gym sesh can seem like a chore and how tempting it is to just go straight to the hard stuff. But it doesn’t have to be like that. Once you understand warmups' importance, you'll never dream of skipping them again. Plus, you can do plenty of warm-up workouts in under 5 minutes if you’re in a time crunch.

The Benefits Of Warming Up Pre-Workout

Doing a couple of low-intensity exercises when you first hit the gym has actually proved to make a significant difference to your fitness performance:

  • A good warmup prepares your nervous system and muscles to perform more efficiently in your workout, making weight loss, toning up and bulking up your muscles that much easier. 
  • Warming up gives your brain a much-needed boost and helps it understand what movement patterns your body is about to do, and learns how to do them more efficiently. 
  • A good warm up is designed to increase your heart rate and your blood flow. This allows more oxygen to reach your muscles, activating the connection between your nerves and muscles, overall improving the efficiency of your workout, and reducing the risk of injury.
  • Some studies suggest that DOMs (delayed onset muscle soreness) are reduced 48 hours after your workout, which is especially good news if you are returning to the gym after a long break


10 Best Gym Warm Ups

Here's some examples of warm-up routines you can do when you first arrive at the 

Remember, the purpose of a warm-up is to gradually increase your heart rate and blood flow to your muscles, so it's important to start with low-intensity exercises and gradually increase the intensity as you go. It's also important to listen to your body and stop if you experience any pain or discomfort.

1. Light cardio: Get on your favourite exercise machine, whether it’s the treadmill, exercise bike or elliptical, and do some light-cardio for 10-30 minutes. This could include walking on an incline, jogging or cycling at a steady pace. As long as it gets your heart-rate up and blood-pumping, the choice is yours!


2. Dynamic stretches: A warm up could be as simple as carrying some soft, easy stretches to get your body moving and sufficiently stretched. This will prevent injury, improve your flexibility and range of motion when working out.

You can either quickly carry 10-12 dynamic stretches right next to the first machine you will be using for your ‘real’ workout, or if you’d like to dedicate some more time to get your body in tip-top condition you could grab a mat and floor space. 


3. Resistance band exercises: If you're planning on lifting heavy, then using a resistance band can help activate muscles and prepare them for the workout ahead. 

Stand in the middle of your resistance band and carry out 1-2 sets of 10 reps of soft arm exercises, like lateral raises, bicep curls or tricep press, to further activate your muscles and improve muscle endurance.


4. Bodyweight exercises: Squats, press-ups, and lunges are all bodyweight exercises that can be done as a warm-up. 

Just take a mat and some floor space and do 1-2 sets of 5-10 reps of your favourite bodyweight exercises until you feel a bit flushed and ready to start your work out.


5. Foam rolling: Foam rolling acts as a type of self-massage and can help loosen tight muscles and improve mobility for your workout ahead and even can make you feel less fatigued throughout the rest of your gym workout.


6. Star jumps: Star jumps are a simple but effective way to get your heart rate up and warm up your muscles. 

Simply complete 2 sets of 15 reps and rest for 60 seconds between each set and you will be ready for your workout.


7. High knees: Running in place and lifting your knees up high can help warm up your legs and core, and improve your muscular endurance, balance and coordination you will need throughout your workout.


8. Skipping rope: Jumping rope is a great cardiovascular warm-up that can also improve coordination and footwork. Don’t be fooled, this may seem like a simple exercise but it’s guaranteed to get your blood-pumping after just 5 minutes. This makes it a good option if you’re tight for time. 


9. Lunges with a twist: Lunges with a twist can help warm up your legs and hips, as well as improve your balance and proprioception. Adding in the twisting motion will target your glutes more effectively as you engage your core. 


10. Planks: Planks are a great way to engage your core, improve overall stability and get your body ready for a workout.

Try holding the position for a minute or as long as you can up to a minute, then repeat for one more set.  Another great warmup workout if you’re short for time, as you’ll be ready to workout in just 2 minutes.


Personal Training at Village Gym

At Village Gym we can teach you the most efficient warmups personalised to you and your workout routine. Learn how to use the equipment correctly, enjoy one-to-one assessment of your exercises technique, reduce risk of injury and receive regular monitoring and assessments of your performance. 

Find out more on our personal trainer sessions.


Warm Up FAQs

How long should gym warm ups be? 

It depends on your fitness level and the intensity of your workout, but a good rule of thumb is to aim for at least 10-15 minutes.

Is warm-up necessary for the gym? 

Absolutely! Warming up helps get your blood flowing, increase your heart rate, and prepare your muscles for the workout ahead.

How many reps is a warm-up? 

It depends on the exercise, but a good rule of thumb is to start with low-intensity and gradually increase the intensity as you go. For example, you might start with just a few reps of an exercise and work your way up to your target number of reps.

What happens if you don't warm up in the gym? 

Skipping a warm-up can increase your risk of injury and make your workout less effective.

What are the three types of warm-up? 

There are many different types of warm-up, but some common ones include light cardio, dynamic stretches, and resistance band exercises.

What should not be done during a warm-up? 

It's generally not a good idea to do high-intensity exercises or exercises that require a lot of balance or coordination during a warm-up, as these can increase the risk of injury.

How do you warm up at the gym without cardio? 

There are plenty of ways to warm up without doing cardio, such as dynamic stretches, resistance band exercises, and bodyweight exercises.

Gym Exercises

Post-warmup, if you need tips on the best workouts for your arm, legs or shoulders and back day, we’ve listed some of the best exercises which will help you get in the best shape of your life. 

See our exercise guide here.


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