All It Takes Is 30 Minutes

Regardless of how much you're in a hurry we know that more often than not the saying of: 'I've not got enough time' is more of an understandable excuse rather than the actual reality.

But it's not just us saying that. The team at UK Active found that the average adult spends more time on the toilet every week than exercising and eight times longer watching TV than they do working out.

Evidently, even those of us with the most hectic working lives have at least 30 minutes that could be used for fitness. But obviously, we've all been in a position where the comfort of the couch and the 30 minute nap is far more attractive than the gym floor. With that in mind, we're going to take that 30 to give you some quick points of advice that can get you up and finding your groove (you might even find you have more energy because of it). 


1. Hit The Studio

Get a change of scenery to refresh your body and mind. Take a trip to the BURN studio and push yourself in a group BURN class. Not only is this a super fun way to get your sweat on, the benefit of BURN (like many of our classes) is that it offers a full body workout even with the short time frame. Giving you the maximum benefit in the minimum time you have. 

Not your style? Perhaps you'd prefer another class, something like BodyPump, great for those keen to get lean! We have a range to try from and a lot of them feature the scientifically-backed 'REP Effect', keeping your body burning calories for long after your workout is done. Win!

2. Lunch Hour Lift

Ditch the desk work at lunchtime and enjoy a group Personal Training session with your colleagues. A group PT session is a particularly good way of working out with limited time because our highly qualified professionals will ensure that you're using your workout time well. No more boring sessions lingering on the treadmill. Your legs will still be burning when you're back at your desk (but hey, you'll be glad for the sit down).

A lunch hour workout is a great way to stretch out crumpled back muscles that have been hunched over a desk all morning. Plus, nothing will compare to that boost of energy you'll get to help you tackle the rest of your day!

3. Grab A Buddy

We’ve all been guilty of skipping a gym session in favour of a spot of sofa time. Hey, we all like to catch up on the latest Netflix boxset!

Best way to stop skipping? Stop sweating solo!

Though making the commitment of a weekly workout with a friend, you’ll be less likely to duck out for fear of letting them down. You'll hold each other accountable for training, and keep up the intensity while your on the gym floor. Your fitness achievements no longer just for you… They’re for your buddy too. And that includes showing up in the first place!

So plan a gym session with your bestie before you head home from work, and you'll miss the rush hour traffic too. Bonus!

4. Banish The Boardroom

Being trapped indoors in the same room can be mind numbing so why not organise meetings outside and get down to business in the great outdoors.

Fresh air is great for upping your concentration levels and getting the creative ideas flowing. Not only will you feel mentally clearer, you'll also be promoting optimal function, helping you to think and focus after a particularly sapping day.

For team meetings, make it a walk rather than a sit down do. Best for smaller groups, (unless you want the rest of the building to wonder why the whole office is pacing the car park!) walk and talk to get your steps in and the heart pumping. 

5. A Little Healthy Competition

Take the lead. Be your workplace fitness planner and start a sports team or workout group.

Lunchtime football in the local park, a 30 minute team powerwalk when that 3pm lull hits, a sporting challenge to raise funds for a local charity. Regardless of the challenge, healthy competition can help build a more collectively supportive work environment and if everyone's working from home this is also a great way build connections with your team face-to-face!


Get your heart pumping and your body moving for just 30 minutes a day, and you'll bag the following benefits. Get ready, get set go!

  1. You'll enjoy a full body workout
  2. You'll minimise your risk of heart disease
  3. You'll burn calories to aid your weight loss goals
  4. You'll reduce stress by increasing the 'happy hormones' in your body
  5. You'll stretch out sore muscles caused by sitting at a desk all day
  6. You'll improve you posture (which also makes you look trimmer and more attractive!)
  7. You'll boost energy levels helping you to focus more clearly
  8. You'll improve your memory. Just 30 minutes of exercise can increase the production of cells in the brain responsible for memory and learning
  9. You'll improve your self confidence
  10. You'll reduce the chance of high blood pressure
  11. You'll work your lungs to help with asthma or breathing difficulties
  12. You'll get a better and long nights sleep
  13. You'll expand your social circle by meeting new fitness friends 
  14. You'll reduce symptoms of back pain and weak joints (Pilates is a great option for back pain!)
  15. You'll greater prevent Type II diabetes
  16. You'll increase your bone density to help treat or prevent osteoporosis
  17. You'll make everyday activities easier with functional training (plus avoid any silly injuries)
  18. You'll speed up sluggish digestion
  19. It's a great way to treat depression and anxiety by releasing happy hormones
  20. It's a great way to improve agility and co-ordination
  21. You'll strengthen key muscles to improve balance and prevent falls
  22. Just 30 minutes of exercise arouses the brain and slows down degeneration of the central nervous system, which leads to slower reaction times and poorer coordination (basically like turning back the clock)
  23. You'll develop more defined abs, thighs and glutes
  24. You'll help yourself overcome any unhealthy addictions such as smoking or excessive drinking
  25. You'll enable your mind to feel more relaxed
  26. You'll improve your productivity and get more done with your day
  27. You'll look younger - all that blood circulation is great for the skin!
  28. You'll increase your metabolism for better fat burning
  29. You'll improve upper body strength to make carrying and lifting easier
  30. You'll be able to wind down afterwards with a sip on something chilled in the Village Pub & Grill! (Members get a 25% discount, bonus!)

So what are you waiting for? Take just 30 minutes out of your day and build a fitter, happier and healthier version of you!


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