Best Indoor Exercises To Stay Active During Winter

Nobody wants to workout outdoors in the winter, not only is it cold but here in the UK we get a lot of rain but it is important you stay focused and not let the weather stop you from working out and reaching your goals.

Best Exercises For Winter

If you want to ensure you stay fit and active but are not sure what exercises are best, then we hope to provide you with some inspiration this winter!


Commonly known for its benefits for not only the body but the mind too yoga can be great to shake off the winter blues as it can help to reduce stress, anxiety and help out your mind ease. Need another reason to try yoga this winter then why not combine a killer workout with keeping warm with hot yoga!

Indoor Cycling

Indoor cycling has become insanely popular in the past couple of years with classes such as spin and hot spin being in demand. These classes are a great way to stay fit during the winter, the loud music and a motivational instructor ensure you have a heart-racing workout.

If you really want to boost your regular spin class to the next level we suggest our exclusive group cycle class, The Trip™ by Les Mills. You'll be able to explore a world of ice glaciers, jungles and underwater caverns all from the comfort of your home gym! This 40-minute multi-peak cycling workout might be just the thing to keep up your fitness motivations.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is another great exercise that can be done indoors and has been proven to relieve stress and anxiety. This low-impact exercise combines slow movements with deep breathing techniques that help to increase flexibility and posture.


Swimming is a great idea during the winter months as most pools are heated so you don’t have to worry about the winter chill. Not only is swimming warm, but it’s also great for burning calories and staying fit. So what are you waiting for, head to your local gym/leisure centre and take a dip!


Get your boxing gloves out and hit the ring this winter with this fat-burning, stress-relieving exercise that will get your heart racing. You should find boxing classes at any of your local gyms if you fancy a high-intensity workout with a community of people.

HIIT Workout

A HIIT workout can be done at home with many YouTube videos giving you advice and tips if you are new to HITT or if you prefer to workout in the gym with others you should find HIIT classes at your local gym. HIIT is bound to make you sweat with high-intensity exercises carried out for a short period of time.


Squats are always a good idea, they work to strengthen and tone a number of muscles particularly your glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps. Squats are great because they require no equipment and therefore can be performed literally anywhere!





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