Keep It Consistent

Struggling with how to stay consistent with your training?

We get it. Life often gets in the way. Whether it’s work, kids, or whatever hectic thing is going on in your life, workouts can quickly fall by the wayside (or ‘waist-side’). That’s why so many new year’s resolutions don’t last regardless of how enthusiastic they might be. In order to achieve fitness goals, you have to be able to acknowledge fitness as essential, and set up a routine in the same way you do other vital parts of your life.

We sat down for a little chat with Leisure Club Manager, Lee, to ask what were his top tips to members setting up a routine…


First up, it’s time to set up some measurable goals. The difficulty with this step is that most of us rely on the notion of general health & fitness but, general is generic, and generic won't help us stick to a routine.

So let’s make it less generic by setting a short, medium, and long term goal. It may be something as simple as cycling 5km, then 10km, and finishing up with an eventual 12 week goal of 20km.

This specificity will assist with consistency by making long term goals seem much more achievable and encouraging you to create a habit of your routine. Seeing progression is what keeps many clients interested, it develops enjoyment and stops them seeing the gym as a chore. Once they have achieved this mindset, believe me, they’re onto a winner.


Next up, don’t over complicate it and stick to what works for you. Yes, general health & fitness basics will always include cardiovascular and resistance training but the key is always to MOVE MORE.

With that in mind, there’s no magic exercises or formulas to get you to your goal quickly and even the more advanced moves aren’t going to get you to your goals any quicker. Trust me on this one, the old school will always work.

From treadmills to press ups, movement has to be a priority and with the range of equipment on the gym floor, you’ll be able to tackle the basics in no time. Take a run on one of our Technogym treadmills, suitable for all abilities. You’ll be able to practice and immerse yourself in guided workouts able to keep you motivated to move!



Last, but definitely not least. My top tip: ENJOYMENT!

In order to ensure consistency, enjoyment has to be number 1. It sounds obvious but so many will fall off the bandwagon and just give up. Although variation is necessary (the spice of life if you will), if you lose interest and motivation you’ll quickly become a no show. To keep interest, one thing I say to every client that walks through those doors is ‘find something you enjoy and stick with it.’

Personally, I hate running on a treadmill with a passion. I feel like I’m getting nowhere. So what do I do? I avoid it. I may replace it with some boxing or resistance training which I find fun even when my arms start to burn.

All members are different though, so it’s important to find out what works for you. Luckily Village offers a range of classes, including (but not limited to) those specialised in boxing like I mentioned before, high intensity HIIT classes, dance orientated sessions, more holistic training, etc, etc. The options are massively varied and all of them are worth at least trying once.

If you’re nervous at all, consider bringing a friend. Often new members seem to struggle with their confidence and while that naturally comes in time, when buddied up that potential shyness or fear becomes lost in friendly competition and support. At the moment we’re really encouraging working out with a friend with referral offers so definitely give them a nosey.

The key factor, as I mentioned earlier, is that you try moving more and finding the motivation to make your workout a staple of your day to day. But a fun staple, something you look forward to after work for example.

Take these 3 tips, apply them to your plan and I can guarantee you will see what we are all looking for… RESULTS.

So stick to it!


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