Village Gym’s Guide To Neuromuscular Exercise

Neuromuscular exercise can be scary to look at but to simply put it, it’s the connection between the nervous system and muscles. This form of training is becoming popular in the fitness world for its ability to enhance agility, strength and overall performance. In this guide, we will dive into the meaning of neuromuscular exercise, its benefits and the different types of neuromuscular exercises you can perform for balance and activation.

Neuromuscular Exercise

Neuromuscular exercise is the idea of improving the communication and connection between your brain and muscles, promoting more efficient movements and effective performance. The goal of neuromuscular training is to enhance the neuromuscular system by incorporating exercises that will test your balance and coordination which can improve your overall quality of movement.


Neuromuscular exercise offers a plethora of benefits for improving overall fitness and well-being. Let’s take a look at some of the advantages it provides:


Decreases Risk of Injury

  • Implementing neuromuscular training enables individuals to correct poor movements, improve muscle imbalances and strengthen muscles that help with stability. Performing neuromuscular exercises contributes to an overall reduction in the risk of injuries such as strains and sprains.


Improved Balance and Coordination

  • Neuromuscular exercises involve movements that require accurate balance and coordination. Engaging in these exercises can enhance proprioception, improving overall balance and coordination.


Enhanced Performance 

  • Performing neuromuscular exercises is beneficial for athletes of numerous disciplines as it enhances reaction time, agility and movement. Refining neuromuscular control can help athletes strengthen their performance.


Neuromuscular Exercise for Balance 

Functional Exercises

  • Functional exercises are a fundamental element for neuromuscular balance training. These exercises imitate everyday movements, therefore, helping you improve your performance of these tasks and gain confidence and stability to carry them out. Functional exercises such as lunges, step-ups and squats engage several muscle groups simultaneously which helps to improve balance and coordination. 


Single leg Stands

  • Single-leg stands are key in neuromuscular training as they focus on challenging your muscles responsible for balance and stability. Ensuring proper posture during this exercise will help train your muscles to execute the exercise with good form. Additionally, performing single-leg stands strengthens multiple muscles in the lower body including quads, glutes and calves which all play a role in maintaining balance and control.



  • Yoga is a form of exercise that incorporates strength balance and flexibility, which all contribute to neuromuscular training. Yoga engages various muscle groups simultaneously and involves several poses that require balance and coordination including the Boat Pose and Tree Pose. These poses involve focus and concentration which are key elements in neuromuscular balance. 


Balance Boards

  • Balance boards are an excellent way to enhance neuromuscular balance as they challenge the body’s stability and proprioception. Balance boards are usually made up of half a medicine ball attached to a flat surface. Standing on the board requires focus to maintain balance and stability and this engages muscles throughout the body leading to overall strength. Balance offers progression by changing the angle of the board or performing different movements or positions on the board.


Neuromuscular Activation Exercises 

Resistance Band Shoulder Pulls

  • Resistance band shoulder pulls target the muscles in the arms, shoulders and upper back, making it an effective exercise for neuromuscular activation. To perform this exercise, stand holding each end of a resistance band in each hand with your arms extended out in front of you at chest height. Begin by pulling the band apart towards your chest in a controlled manner and return to the starting position. Perform this exercise with control and proper posture to allow your muscles to activate and avoid damage. 


Monster Walks

  •  Monster walks are a great activation exercise that engages muscles in the glutes, hips and thighs. Monster walks can be performed two different ways: place a resistance band around your thighs just above the knees, stand with your feet hip-width apart and have your knees slightly bent. Begin by taking a step forward with one foot then with the opposite foot, ensuring to maintain tension in the resistance band for effective activation. You can also take a step to the side with your right foot and follow with your left foot. It’s important to perform the exercise with control to maximise effectiveness and neuromuscular activation.


Glute Bridges

  • Glute bridges target the glute muscles which play an important part in hip stability and overall lower body function. To perform the exercise, begin by lying on your back with your feet flat on the floor hip-width apart and knees bent. Lift your hips up off the floor and squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement, ensuring you keep your core engaged throughout the exercise. 



  • Clamshells are a great activation exercise for the glutes which play a key role in pelvis stability, helping to reduce the risk of knee and hip injuries. This neuromuscular activation exercise targets the glutes, hips and outer thighs. To perform this exercise, start by lying on your side with your knees bent at a 45-degree angle with your feet on top of each other. Whilst keeping your feet together, lift your top knee towards the ceiling. Hold the position at the top of the movement for a short moment before returning your knee down to the starting position. 


Bird Dogs

  • The bird dog exercise is great for neuromuscular activation as it engages the lower back, hips and core muscles. This exercise helps enhance balance, coordination and core stability, making it beneficial to incorporate into your workout routine. To perform this exercise, begin on your hands and knees with your knees positioned under your hips and hands aligned under your shoulders. Start by extending one arm out in front of you whilst simultaneously lifting the opposite leg out straight behind you. Ensure to engage your core and keep your hips level to avoid rotating. Hold the position for a short moment then return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite arm and leg.

Get Fit With Village Gym

Elevate your neuromuscular training with Village Gym. With state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge equipment and fitness classes led by experienced instructors, Village Gym is the ultimate place to elevate your neuromuscular fitness. With gyms located across the country and a range of different membership options, you can unlock your full fitness potential. Sign up today and take a step towards a stronger, fitter you.

FAQs About Neuromuscular Exercise

Is neuromuscular exercise beneficial for health and fitness?

Yes, neuromuscular exercise is beneficial for health and fitness because it improves the body's movement, balance, coordination and stability. These exercises can improve overall performance, reduce the risk of injury and help improve posture.

Is neuromuscular training effective?

Yes, it’s effective as it improves the communication between the nervous system and muscles which leads to improved functional movements which is beneficial for older adults.

How frequently should neuromuscular training be performed?

Performing neuromuscular exercises 2-3 times a week is ideal to allow the body time to improve balance, coordination and control whilst also giving your body enough rest between training sessions. It’s also important to listen to your body and adjust the frequency of your training to ensure you’re not overtraining and increasing the risk of injury.


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