Benefits of Anaerobic Exercise for Working Out

Benefits of Anaerobic Exercise

Anaerobic exercise is a type of physical activity that doesn’t rely on the continuous consumption of oxygen during performance. These activities involve short and fast bursts of high-intensity movement. Anaerobic has several benefits including:

  • Increased strength - anaerobic exercise is a beneficial way to improve strength and muscle growth, through exercises including weightlifting and resistance training.

  • Improved oxygen consumption - even though anaerobic exercise doesn’t use a continuous supply of oxygen, the overall training will help to improve your cardiovascular system, enhancing your oxygen consumption when performing other activities or forms of exercise.

  • Increased endurance - due to the high-intensity nature of anaerobic exercise, it increases your ability to recover and tolerate high-intensity exercises.

  • Improved muscle definition - with regular and consistent anaerobic exercise, your muscles will become more defined and sculpted, promoting a toned physique.

  • Increased speed - as anaerobic exercise consists of short sharp bursts of high-intensity movement, this increases the body’s speed and power, which enhances performance during sprinting or high-intensity interval training.

Types of Anaerobic Exercise

There are several types of anaerobic exercises which target many different muscle groups. Some common anaerobic exercises include:

  • Weightlifting - using machines or weights, short bursts of movements are performed against the resistance of the weights.

  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT) - HIIT workouts include short bursts of high-intensity exercise followed by either a low-intensity exercise or rest.

  • Sprinting - short explosive sprints are performed with maximum effort, promoting muscle power and strength.

  • Plyometrics - this is a great form of explosive movement, which helps develop agility and power. Examples of these movements include burpees, box jumps and squat jumps.

Best Anaerobic Exercise

The best anaerobic exercise is determined by each individual based on their own fitness levels, goals, preferences and how their body responds to different types of exercise. 

Everyone’s body is different, so an exercise that might work for one person may not work as effectively for another. The best anaerobic exercise will be one that aligns with your own fitness goals whilst also factoring in any health conditions.

Anaerobic Exercise Workout Plan

Developing an anaerobic workout plan that is best suited to your fitness needs and goals is important to obtain the best results. It’s important to include sufficient rest days within your plan to allow your muscles enough time to recover. Here is an example of a workout plan for one week:

  • Day 1 - High-intensity interval training (HIIT)

  • Day 2 - Weightlifting

  • Day 3 - Rest day

  • Day 4 - Sprint intervals

  • Day 5 - Light activity or Active recovery

  • Day 6 - Plyometrics

  • Day 7 - Rest Day

Anaerobic Endurance Exercises

Developing strong anaerobic endurance is beneficial to overall health and fitness, as it challenges the abilities of our cardiovascular systems, promoting strength and resilience. Here are some anaerobic endurance exercises that you can incorporate into your workout:

  • HIIT workout - multiple muscle groups are being engaged simultaneously which will develop the muscles endurance, allowing you to work for longer periods at high-intensity.

  • Sprint intervals - the sprint and rest split at high intensities increases the body’s endurance, enabling you to work harder for longer.

  • Box jumps - the explosive movement helps the muscles in the legs to build strength and power which will increase the muscles endurance.

  • Jump squats - similar to box jumps, the leg muscles can work for longer at a high-intensity due to the endurance built up through explosive jumping movements.

Anaerobic Cycling Exercise 

Cycling is a highly beneficial way of developing your anaerobic abilities. Performing short sharp bursts followed by low intensity cycling or rest will improve stamina. Examples of anaerobic cycling exercises include:

  • Hill sprints - this involves maximum effort up a hill and coasting down the hill as your rest.

  • Sprint intervals - this involves doing a sprint on the bike with a slow pedal in between.

  • Pyramid intervals - this involves gradually increasing the intensity of your intervals and then reversing the intervals by decreasing them as structured like a pyramid.

  • Fartlek cycling - this involves varying your speed and intensity at random throughout.

If using an indoor stationary cycle, you can increase the difficulty to simulate going up or down hills. 

Anaerobic Leg Exercises

When focusing on anaerobic leg exercises, the focus is on engaging the muscles in your lower body. These exercises will be short, sharp and of high-intensity to help develop the strength and power in your legs. Here are some anaerobic leg exercises you may wish to include in your workout:

  • Burpees

  • Squat jumps

  • Jumping lunges

  • Box jumps 

  • Sprints

It’s very important to warm up properly before commencing your workout to ensure your body is ready for the high-intensity movements. Cooling down is also a vital part of any workout to help reduce the risk of injury.

Get Fit with Village Gym

Embark on your fitness journey at Village Gym, with state-of-the-art facilities across the nation. Our gyms are equipped with cutting-edge equipment that is designed to help you reach your fitness goals no matter what stage you are at. 

If you want something different, we have a range of group fitness classes available. We also have a range of luxury amenities that will help you relax and rejuvenate including a swimming pool, sauna and steam room. Why not start your fitness journey with Village Gym today?

It’s advised that you consult with a healthcare professional or fitness expert before commencing any new exercise or if you have any doubts. It’s important to ensure your safety and there’s no risk to your health.

Sign up with Village Advance today to receive the very best from our professional fitness experts. Start or continue your fitness journey today!

FAQs About Anaerobic Exercise

Does anaerobic exercise burn fat or build muscle?

It can both burn fat and build muscle, depending on which exercise you’re performing and the intensity of the exercise. Explosive high-intensity workouts can increase the amount of calories you burn which contributes to burning fat. Performing resistance anaerobic exercises promotes muscle growth through the repairs the muscle makes after your workout.

How long should anaerobic exercise last?

The duration of anaerobic exercise is dependent on your fitness levels and goals. Typically, anaerobic exercises are shorter than aerobic exercises due to the high-intensity nature of anaerobic exercise. HIIT workouts tend to last between 20-30 minutes, weightlifting can last between 30-60 minutes and sprint intervals typically last between 10-20 minutes.

What happens if you do too much anaerobic exercise?

If you are participating in too much anaerobic exercise, you are at risk of overtraining and injury. By not allowing your body adequate recovery time, you are increasing the likelihood of muscle damage and delaying your fitness goals.

How often should you do anaerobic exercise?

This is dependent on each individual regarding fitness level, goals and overall health. Beginners can look to do around two sessions per week, more experienced individuals can carry out 3-4 sessions per week, and at advanced levels of fitness, 4 or more sessions per week may be suitable.


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