Combatting Coronavirus | Keep Up Your Routine

The recent coronavirus outbreak has many of us wondering whether we should retreat indoors to avoid infection, or carry on with our usual routines to avoid, well, cabin fever!

If you're unsure as to whether you should keep going to the gym, evidence suggests that sticking with your fitness routine will be much more beneficial than hiding out at home.

Ask yourself the following questions...

  • Are you in an area under strict quarantine?
  • Are you on of the higher risk categories?  
  • Do you care for someone who is considered to be a higher risk? 

For most, if you answer no to the above, you're fine to carry on with your usual gym routine.

It's no secret that exercise is a great way to strengthen the immune system, warding off coughs, colds and viruses, whilst also reducing your stress levels. And the lack of food on the supermarket shelves right now can certainly send your stress levels soaring!

If you are concerned about close contact, you can enjoy your workout on our spacious gym floor, ensuring you keep a safe distance from others. Or try a class in the studio during quieter times.

We take a look at the reasons not to shy away from your usual gym routine...


Research has shown that people with higher levels of psychological stress are more susceptible to the common cold. Not to mention, that stress can have a huge negative effect on your mental health. 

Regular exercise and immune system boasting foods will keep your immune system strong, your stress levels low and your happy hormones boosted. 


Research has linked poor metabolic health to poorer immune system function, which is one reason people with chronic medical conditions such as diabetes are at higher risk of developing infections like flu and coronavirus.

Studies have also found that people with diabetes and high blood glucose are more susceptible to infection, and people with obesity and diabetes have greater immune suppression than metabolically healthy people with obesity.

Evidence has also linked good metabolic health with those who enjoy regular physical activity. 30 minutes of moderate exercise, such as walking briskly, for 30 minutes a day can reduce the risk of diabetes by 30%.


No need to hit the treadmill sporting latex gloves and a breathing mask! Our Clubs are cleaned thoroughly and regularly throughout the day.
Please help us to keep your Club in tip top condition by wiping down your machines after use. We'll give it ax extra clean too for good measure.

Most experts agree that gyms pose no specific threat compared to other areas of public gatherings like churches, supermarkets, or shops.

Paul Sax, M.D., medical director of the division of infectious diseases at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, told Time Magazine, “the gym is not a place that’s necessarily riskier than other communal areas. I wouldn’t say there’s anything particular about people sweating that makes them more contagious.”


You can sit at home and hibernate, or continue living your best life and maintaining that strong workout routine.

Robert Glatter, M.D., an emergency physician at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, told Yahoo Finance, "I would still go about your normal activities at this point. Just as you normally should—even before the arrival of coronavirus—always clean your hands thoroughly after using exercise equipment with hand gel or use bleach-based wipes. It’s also important to avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth since this is how the virus gains entry into your body."

“At this point, people should certainly keep exercising,” says Aubree Gordon, associate professor of epidemiology at the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health, in a recent CNBC article.

Michael Knight, assistant professor of medicine at the George Washington School of Medicine and Health Services, echoed similar sentiments to CNBC’s Make It. He said that he would still encourage his patients to “continue getting moderate amounts of physical activity to lower their overall risk.”

To ensure you get your kicks to keep your immune system fighting fit, we've been busy re-working our own routine. 
Gym kit will be spaced a little further apart to allow for social distancing and class numbers will be reduced to ensure everyone has a little extra personal space. 
Fear not class fans, we'll be running some of your favourite classes in our huge event space, the Inspiration Suite.  
We're working hard to keep our kit sanitised and encourage members to adopt sensible social distancing. 
Let's look after our fitness community whilst we continue to smash those goals!


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