Gym Etiquette

The gym can be an intimidating place. So we’ve put together a few simple guidelines to help you get started, and know the low down on how things go.


Now we know you all might have favourite pieces of kit that you like to use, especially when trying to achieve specific goals. But the gym can get very busy at times, and it can be very frustrating when you have a short period of time to get your workout done and you're hanging around waiting for the equipment to be free… sharing is caring! If you’re not using the bit of kit you’re sitting on, let someone else have a go.


We've all been in the gym and heard someone lifting those weights, grunting and groaning. While we know these are often just natural when pushing yourself, please be considerate to those gym-goers around you and try your best not to be too loud!


Now we all get sweaty when we're working out. It's nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, it shows your really putting in the hard work. But, when you're done, please make sure you wipe down the equipment you have been using. Nobody wants to workout in another person's pool of sweat. Dotted around our clubs you’ll find anti bacterial sprays and blue roll for you to use… no excuses.


We get it, you've been lifting some heavyweights, and you've finished your set. There's no greater relief than letting go. While slamming the weights down sometimes can't be helped, it can distract others trying to workout and damage the kit, so we ask you to lower ‘em gently.


All you selfie lovers out their love snapping a good old gym selfie. We get it, they are a good way to show your progress and share tips and tricks with your Insta followers. All we ask is you are considerate of those around you. Not everyone loves the camera and may even be camera shy, so make sure you keep others out of your shots.

Snapping any selfies in one of our clubs? Tag us @VillageGym and hashtag #VillageGym


Arguably one of the biggest pet peeves when you head to the gym, is when fellow gym-goers don't put the kit away when they have finished their workout. Not only is it inconsiderate, but it also means that you may leave others unable to use the equipment. Re-rack your dumbbells, pop the kettlebells back on their stand and roll away those mats once you’re done, so that someone else doesn’t have to.


Listening to a killer playlist is a must for many when they hit the gym. It gets them pumped and keeps them motivated throughout their gym sesh. However, not everyone enjoys listening to your nineties pop ballads. Some like the quiet time, so please be considerate to those around you.

If you love to share the loud tunes with your fellow fitness fanatics, join a class! Our Les Mills workout tracks are curated by top House DJs!


Now we're not telling you where you should be working out, but unless your gym buddy is in the gym, people tend to prefer their own space to work out. This goes for when you are waiting for a piece of equipment to be free too. While we know it's annoying, don't hover over someone waiting for them to finish, it can be intimidating and off-putting.


After your workout you may want check out our pool facilities to relax and wind down. Again these can get very busy, so please be aware when there are others waiting to use any of the facilities, so just a few tips to help us all enjoy using the facilities…

  • Sauna & Whirlpool- we recommend 20 minutes only. These do get very busy, so be kind and dont spend too much time in them.
  • Shower before pool if your feet are dirty or you’ve just worked out
  • Save snacks for off the poolside


If you can’t make it, cancel so that someone else can have your space. It’s may seem simple but we only have limited spaces available in each of our classes so those no shows are depriving someone else of the chance at hitting a class.

Just head to our app…


There's nothing worse than have a fashion failure when hitting the gym, whether its your leggings constantly falling down or your sports bra digging in its never fun.

Check out our top tips on what to wear in the gym here. 


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